Science in Society Archive

Defend Gilles-Eric Séralini and Transparency in GMO Risk Assessment!

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Peter Saunders

Gilles-Eric Séralini, professor of molecular biology at the University of Caen in France, and president of the scientific council for independent research on genetic engineering (CRIIGEN),  is among the world’s leading researchers into the risks of GMOs. He has been &an expert adviser to the French government (1998-2007) and the European Union at the World Trade Organization and the Council of Ministers on GMOs (2003, 2008), and recipient of the Order of Merit of France for his scientific career (2008). The work of his research team appears regularly in peer-reviewed scientific journals and is highly regarded within the scientific community. His critique of the dossier submitted by Monsanto’s subsidiary in India for commercial growing of ‘Bt Brinjal’ (GM egg plant) played an important part in persuading the Indian Environment Minister to impose a moratorium [1] Bt Brinjal Halted (SiS 46).

Séralini and his colleagues recently performed a thorough re-analysis of data submitted by Monsanto to obtain commercial approval in Europe for three GM maize lines, MON 863, MON 810, NK603. They concluded that [2], “these data highlight signs of hepatorenal toxicity, possibly due to the new pesticides specific to each GM corn. In addition, unintended direct or indirect metabolic consequences of the genetic modification cannot be excluded.”

Their conclusions corroborate the results of practically all studies carried out by scientists independent of the biotech industry, as well as the experience of farmers and workers in the field that I-SIS has reported since 1999 (for a recent summary see [3] GM is Dangerous and Futile, SiS 40).

These findings call into question the validity of the commercial approval granted by the European Commission and the favourable opinion of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), long criticised for its bias in favour of the biotech industry [4] GM Food Nightmare Unfolding in the Regulatory Sham (ISIS scientific publication). Not surprisingly, the findings of Séralini and his colleagues are dismissed by Monsanto, EFSA as well as the Food Safety Authority of Australia and New Zealand (FSAANZ, also criticised for its pro-industry stance).

However, Séralini and  his colleagues are now the target of a concerted campaign to vilify and discredit him, involving not just Monsanto, EFSA and FSAANZ, but also scientific societies representing biotechnology in France: the French Association of Plant Biotechnology and the French High Counsel on Biotechnology. This seriously threatens his funding to continue research for public good and also his job.  

A large number of academics, professors and researchers have signed up to protest against the defamation and victimisation of Séralini, and to defend openness and transparency in the risk assessment of GMOs. The protest is being organised by the European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER) To sign up, please visit

Article first published 26/04/10, updated 5/10/10


  1. Ho MW. Bt brinjal halted but fight against GM neo-colonialism continues. Science in Society 46, 22, 2010.
  2. De Vendómois JS, Roullier F, Cellier D and Séralini G-E. A comparison of the effects of three GM corn varieties on mammalian health. Int J Biol Sci 2009, 5, 706-26.
  3. Ho MW. GM is dangerous and futile. Science in Society 40, 4-8, 2008.
  4. Ho MW, Cummins J and Saunders PT. GM food nightmare unfolding in the regulatory sham. . Microbial Ecology in Health and Disease 2007, 19, 66-77.

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Prof.emerita Alice Kehoe Comment left 28th April 2010 15:03:48
My colleague in England, Cherry Lavell, sent me this piece which is all too believable so I wish to express my solidarity with Gilles-Eric Seralini.

Dr. Punit Agarwal Comment left 7th May 2010 17:05:20
Research for the public good must always be supported. Research findings of Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini has exposed the evil designs those who are taking public for ride all over the world. Intelligentsia of the world need to support Professor Seralini at this juncture.

fenua witika Comment left 22nd September 2010 15:03:26
Hail Dr.Serilini, I do not hold professional qaulifications as all on this forum do,I am merely part of the general population who has had their suspicions about Monsanto and their buddies.This insidious evil has been allowed to vent their ideas onto humanity with no responsibility for anyone or anything other than their need for power and money.They will come down to the level of their creations but the question remains how much has been and will be comtaminated through pollination of non gmo crops in the future?Thats the evil!!before I submit this email I am required to answer the following question to prevent spam:how many legs does a cat have? which prompts my question, is the cat GM or natural?

Emmanuelle Schick Garcia Comment left 3rd May 2010 05:05:22
I am the director of the documentary "The Idiot Cycle." After six years of research into the chemical industry, cancer establishment and gmos, I have found that the important work and vital questions that Prof. Séralini has raised in regards to gmos have not been adequately answered by the biotech indutsry. The biotech industry has attacked anyone with legitimate concerns, but spends little time actually presenting studies which put those concerns to rest. In a democracy, debates are essential. It is vital that Prof. Séralini's concerns be raised, be addressed, and be taken seriously. The rampant conflicts of interest in government, research, and universities are eroding the democratic debates we should be having in regards to this new technology.

Dr. Katalin Rodics Comment left 5th May 2010 01:01:43
More transparency, independent and more detailed studies needed in GMO risk assessment!!

Dr. I.S. Perlingieri Comment left 29th April 2010 01:01:10
28 April 2010 Dear I-SIS, Regarding this article, I also support Dr. Gilles-Eric Sérilini's research and findings about the dangers of GMOs. We all need to come together in solidarity and stop the dangerous and toxic spread of these poisons. In this regard, an article was posted a few days ago in the US about Russian biologist Alexy V. Surov's research on the toxicity of Monsanto's GM soy. Here is the link:

A Ransom Comment left 11th October 2010 03:03:21
What immunity do Monsanto wives, children,and investors have - from the insidious toxification of their/our environment? How many of us have super funds managed by "some corporation" yet have no idea how our funds were getting high returns? (previously) If they have not informed you precisely where the investments are, maybe they too need more accurate labeling..

Jeanine van Nieukerken Foundation Mothers for Natu Comment left 6th October 2010 07:07:25
We as mothers for Natural Law, are against GMO. GMO is a poison for health and environment. We honour all the scientistswho have proven by science that GMO is a big risk for health and environment.