Science in Society Archive

Brazilian Shamans Denounce Biopiracy

Shamans from 20 indigenous groups in Brazil sent recommendations to the World Intellectual Property Organisation for protecting the knowledge of indigenous peoples against biopiracy. Lim Li Ching reports.

Brazil’s indigenous peoples gathered in São Luis do Maranhão last December to discuss indigenous knowledge and science and industrial property at a meeting organised by the National Institute for Industrial Property (INPI), which handles patents and trademarks in Brazil. Recommendations from the meeting were forwarded to the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property of the UN World Intellectual Property Organisation.

The indigenous representatives were particularly concerned about bioprospecting and impacts on future generations. The Brazilian Government estimates that 97% of the 4,000 patents taken out on natural products in Brazil between 1995 and 2000 were by foreigners. In addition, biopiracy is rampant, taking advantage of weak laws, hiding behind the masks of ‘scientific co-operation’ and ‘ecotourism’. The indigenous peoples oppose any form of patenting resulting from traditional knowledge and requested the creation of punitive mechanisms to prohibit the theft of biodiversity.

Brazil’s forests have been preserved thanks to the traditional knowledge of her indigenous peoples. They contain around 50% of the world’s biodiversity, which has immense social, cultural, spiritual and economic value. Indigenous knowledge is collective, and cannot be commercialised, or separated from their identities, laws, institutions, value systems and cosmologies as indigenous peoples.

Among the recommendations were the following.

  • A sui generis legal system to protect indigenous knowledge, distinct from other laws protecting intellectual property rights, affirming collective ownership and rights and equitable benefit sharing and distribution from use of resources and knowledge.
  • Participation of indigenous representatives in national and international decisions about biodiversity and traditional knowledge.
  • Rejection of the imposed western science model, and recognition of traditional knowledge as science. Indigenous knowledge should be given equal status to western science.
  • Policies and resources for protecting biological and social diversity in situ.

For further details: ‘Letter from São Luis do Maranhão’,

I-SIS News 13 index

Article first published February 2002