Science in Society Archive

Announcing ISIS Launch Conference

Green Energies 100% Renewables by 2050

Launch Conference 25 November 2009

Alan Simpson MP, Michael Meacher MP, Lord David Steel, James Archer, Dr. Armin Tenner (The Netherlands), Dr Siegfried Brenke (Germany), Prof. Joe Cummins (Canada) and others

Jubilee Room, UK Parliament, Westminster, London, 1:00-5:00pm*

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13:00 Door opens

13:25 Opening Remarks

Prof. Peter Saunders , Chair of Conference

13:30 100% Renewables by 2050 Realizable

Dr. Mae-Wan Ho, lead author of Report

13:45 Faith, Hope and Chaos

Alan Simpson MP, Chair of the Parliamentary Warm Homes Group and Government Special Advisor on Renewable Energy and Feed in Tariffs'

14:00 Cities and Climate Protection: An International Challenge & Development Perspective

Dr. Siegfried Brenke, Strengthening Local Self-Government Team Leader, German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)

14:15 Renewables vs Nuclear

Prof. Armin Tenner, Emeritus Professor of Elementary Particle High Energy Physics, University of Amsterdam, and member of International Network of Engineers & Scientists for Global Responsibility

14:30 Community Cooker Project

Lord David Steel and James Archer , winner of 2008 World Architecture Festival award

14:50 Deep Water Air-Conditioning

Prof. Joe Cummins , Emeritus Prof. of Genetics & Distinguished Fellow of ISIS

15:05 What Next on Green Energy?

Rt Hon Michael Meacher MP, former Minister of State for the Environment and Privy Counsellor

15:20 Low Cost and Available Energy in the Developing World

Max Robson of Maxtech Energy Design

15:30 General Discussion

15:55 Closing Remarks

Prof. Peter Saunders

16:00 Coffee and drinks in Jubilee Café

For further details


Article first published 06/11/09

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