Science in Society Archive

Climate Week

I-SIS Supports Climate Week

Climate Week is a supercharged national campaign to inspire a new wave of action on climate change. It culminates with thousands of events and activities taking place throughout the week of 4 to 10 March 2013, planned by organisations from every part of society. Showcasing real, practical ways to combat climate change, the campaign aims to renew our ambition to create a more sustainable, low-carbon future

Climate Week is backed by every part of society - from the Prime Minister to Paul McCartney, the NHS to the Met Office, the TUC to the CBI, Girlguiding UK to the National Association of Head Teachers. During the first Climate Week in 2012 over 3,000 events were attended by half a million people across the UK.

Organisations and individuals can get involved right now by starting to plan an event for Climate Week. This provides a unique opportunity to profile your own initiatives and innovations to stakeholders and staff, customers and the community, members and the media. You can also spread the word in advance, so that others find out about Climate Week in time to plan their own activities.

You can register now for the Climate Week Challenge, which is judged by celebrities and it is completely free to take part. The Climate Week Challenge in 2012 was Britain's biggest ever environmental competition, with over 130,000 people participating in the one day and one-hour versions. This is a fun and easy way for kids of all ages to get involved in the campaign. The challenge is kept a secret until the start of Climate Week, and everyone who takes part receives a certificate for their efforts. This year the winners from key stage 4 got to travel to London to make a working prototype of their invention!

The prestigious Climate Week Awards recognise the most inspirational and impressive actions taking place in every sector of society. The judging panel contains figures such Tony Juniper, Special Advisor to the Prince of Wales Charities International Sustainability Unit, the former President of Ireland, Mary Robinson, and the Bishop of London. Entries for 2013 are now closed.

The Climate Week Swap is a new element to the campaign for 2013, highlighting the positive impact that swapping clothes, books, toys, DVDs and other items can have on our environment. Run a swap event in your workplace, with your community group or at home and save resources from going to landfill. All those who register a Swap event will be entered into a draw to win a swap with a celebrity.

There are a number of other elements to the campaign. Bubble and Squeak for Climate Week is encouraging people to make the food that they eat a part of the solution to climate change. They can do this by joining in the call to action of eating a low carbon meal during Climate Week, either by using up leftovers to make Bubble and Squeak or by cooking food made from local ingredients or less meat and dairy.

The Climate Week Pub Quiz will also be run in hundreds of pubs and workplaces.

Do you have an event or activity planned for Climate Week 2013? Register now at By registering your event, you can help build a social movement for change, encourage others in your area to run their own event, and profile the fantastic work that you are doing. All registered events appear on our online map, so this is your chance to shine. 

To find out more about Climate Week, or to register your event, go to, email  or telephone on 020 3397 2609. You can also find us on twitter @climate_week or like us on Facebook at

Article first published 15/02/13

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