Science in Society Archive

International Conference

Final Announcement

Feeling paralysed by politicians spreading gloom and doom over global warming, oil and water depletion, and poverty in Africa? There’s plenty we can do to dispel despair and galvanise governments and people into effective action. At last, a conference of new ideas and approaches to provide food security and health for all, eradicate poverty and mitigate global warming. Not to be missed!

Sue Edwards - Alan Simpson - Mae-Wan Ho - Martin Khor - Michael Meacher - Peter Bunyard - Erkki Lähde - Caroline Lucas - David Hywel Davis - David Woodward - Joe Cummins - Ingrid Hartman - Lilian Joensen - Julia Wright - Hannu Hyvönen - Elenita Neth Dano

(Note changes in speakers list, now expanded, as are the topics covered. We are especially sorry to lose Tewolde, who has been called away to an emergency international conference on biosafety for which he is the world’s most important negotiator. But we are very fortunate to have as replacement, Sue Edwards, the Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development, Tewolde’s partner and key player in all his projects.)

Times & Venues

14 July (16:00h - 19:00h; Atlee Suite, House of Commons, Westminster, London

Conference dinner (19:30 to 22:00; RAF Club, 128 Piccadilly W1J 7PJ)

15 July (9:00h - 17:00h; Small Meeting House, Friend’s House, 173 Euston Road, London, opposite Euston tube station)


Register online:

Register by post: fill in the registration form below and mail cheque to: Sustainable World conference, ISIS, PO Box 32097, London NW1 0XR, UK.

Other methods of payment: contact

For more information: Peter Saunders: 44-(0)20-7848-2218; Rhea Gala: 44-(0)1994-231-623; Sam Burcher 44-(0)-20-8452-2729

Thanks to donations from generous sponsors, we are able to extend the special offer for anyone registering on or before 13 July 2005. Registration Fees for the conference are waived for Friends of ISIS, and half-price for Sustainable World sponsors.

Registration form for Sustainable World conference


Organisation (if any):



Please tick appropriate boxes below

Sponsor of Sustainable World: yes __ no__

Friend of ISIS: yes __ no__

Entire conference (£40)  ___ 14 July only (£25)  ___ 15 July only (£30) ___

Conference dinner Fully booked.

Total amount to pay £_____

The Sustainable World Global Initiative was launched by the Institute of Science in Society (ISIS) and the Independent Science Panel (ISP) on 6 April 2005 (


July 14

Session 1: The Big Picture

Chaired by Peter Ainsworth MP, Chair of all-party Environmental Audit Committee in the last Parliament

Sue Edwards

Director of the Institute of Sustainable Development Ethiopia (Sustainable World partner) that played a key role in promoting African Model Law on Protecting the Rights of Local Communities, Farmers and Breeders and Regulating Access to Biological Resources

Sustainable World, a Global Initiative for Food Sovereignty and Food Security

Alan Simpson

Member of Parliament, UK, leading voice in debates about a sustainable future, from ending fuel poverty to food justice, voted "Environmental Politician of the Year", Sustainable World sponsor

Food and Energy Security: Local Systems, Global Solidarity

Mae-Wan Ho

Director of Sustainable World, pioneer of a new physics of organisms and sustainable systems, well known critic of GM crops and genetic determinism

Sustainable Food Systems for Sustainable Development

Martin Khor

Director of Third World Network based in Malaysia, Sustainable World partner, prominent spokesperson for the Third World at the World Trade Organisation

How Globalisation Stands in the Way of a Sustainable World

Michael Meacher

Member of Parliament, UK, ex-Environment Minister negotiating the Biosafety Protocol, Kyoto Protocol and other important international treaties, champion of green issues and independent science, Sustainable World sponsor

Policies for Food and Sustainable Systems, National and Global

Caroline Lucas MEP will lead a Conference Dinner Discussion on Common Agricultural Policy

July 15

Session 2: Knowledge-based Actions 1

Chaired by Peter Saunders, Professor of Applied Mathematics, King’s College, London

Peter Bunyard

Science editor and a founding editor of The Ecologist, author of numerous books and articles, much sought-after speaker on climate change and nuclear energy, Fellow of the Linnean Society

Saving the Amazon Forest for Sustainable Uses

Erkki Lähde

Finland’s foremost forester, Union of Ecoforestry, Finland, Sustainable World sponsor

Multiple Uses of Forests; Experience in Finland

Sue Edwards

Director of Institute of Sustainable Development Ethiopia, played a key role in making organic agriculture a national strategy for food security in Ethiopia

Organic Agriculture as a National Strategy for Food Security

Caroline Lucas

Member of European Parliament, prominent spokesperson against GMOs and globalisation and champion of important green issues, Sustainable World sponsor

How the European Union Can Pave the Way to a Sustainable World

David Hywel Davies

Distinguished, much published physician from Switzerland specialising in child development, cardiology and nutrition, representing Weston A. Price Foundation, Sustainable World sponsor

Foods, Sustainable Agriculture, and Coronary Disease of the Young

David Woodward

Director of Global and National Economies Programme at New Economics Foundation, UK, Sustainable World sponsor

The New Economics and Sustainable Food Systems

Session 3: Knowledge-based Actions 2

Chair: Eva Novotny, Scientists for Global Responsibility

Joe Cummins

Emeritus Professor of Plant Genetics, University of Western Ontario, Canada; veteran campaigner on numerous environmental issues and one of the first critics of genetic engineering

Terminator Corporations’ Suicide Seeds

Ingrid Hartman

Humboldt University, Germany, Member of UN Steering Committee of Nutrition, the African Ecological Economic Society and German-Ethiopian Association for the promotion of cultural exchange and academic and economic collaborations

Soil, Climate, Productivity and Environmental Justice

Lilian Joensen

Molecular biologist researching Chagas’ disease, Member of Grupo de Reflexion Rural, Argentina

"Sustainable Agriculture": the Latin American Experience

Julia Wright

Manager of International Programme of HDRA (UK’s leading organic horticulture charity with over 30 000 members and Sustainable World sponsor), gained her Ph. D. on Cuba’s experience in heading off its food crisis

Feeding the World with Organic Agriculture: So What’s Stopping Us? The Experience of Cuba

Session 4: Knowledge-based Actions 3 & General Discussion

Chair: Lim Li Ching, Third World Network

Hannu Hyvönen

Journalist, broadcaster and Chair of Northern Heritage, Finland, Sustainable World sponsor

Recovering Local Varieties for Agricultural Biodiversity in Northern Finland

Elenita Neth Dano

Associate of Third World Network from the Philippines; 12 years experience in conservation and development of community plant genetic resources across Southeast Asia

Third World Farmers Conserving Local Biodiversity in Biodynamic Farming

General Discussion

Article first published 04/07/05

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