Science in Society Archive

Science and Ethics

Index of articles from the Science in Society Archive on ethical aspects of science. For articles in other categories, please see the SiS archive menu.

Corporate Monopoly of Science
Corporations are aiming for an absolute stranglehold on scientific research and the flow of scientific information; that’s why patents on GM crops should be abolished
Prof. Peter Saunders 8th April 2009

FDA Under Fire for Corporate Links that Compromise Science
Political interference in the process of science and rampant conflicts of interest in scientific advisory panels are undermining the agency’s ability to protect the public from dangerous drugs
Sam Burcher 3rd September 2006

FDA in Third World Drug Trial Scandals
Experimental tests are conducted in developing countries on sick and vulnerable children under the guise of free and ethical treatments sanctioned by the FDA and complicit medical institutions
Sam Burcher and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 1st September 2006

Bio-electromagnetic Weapons
A weapon system that operates at the speed of light, that can kill, torture, enslave and escape detection
Harlan Girard 24th January 2006

NIH-Sponsored AIDS Drugs Tests on Mothers and Babies
The United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) began studies on mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Uganda in 1997. A single dose of nevirapine was given to labouring mothers and to their newborn child. Those studies were reported to have lowered transmission of HIV by 50%.
Sam Burcher 1st July 2005

Guinea Pig Kids in AIDS Drugs Trials
The anti-HIV drugs, AZT and nevirapine, are known to be highly toxic and to cause serious side effects. Despite this, they are still being used in clinical trials involving some of the most vulnerable members of society, pregnant women and newborn babies in Africa, and orphans in the United States.
Sam Burcher 30th June 2005

Towards a Biospheric Ethic
Modern moral philosophers have tended to study ethics in a void, ignoring the insights of the natural and human sciences. Some eminent scholars have sought to put this right; but they have based their ethical principles on a grossly distorted view of nature and human society. The result is a 'technospheric' ethic that seeks to equate progress and the moral good with economic expansion and the dominance of man over nature
Edward Goldsmith 25th January 2003

African Consumer Leaders Support Zambia
African consumer leaders came out in support Zambia's rejection of GM food after a stormy 3-day conference in Lusaka.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 29th November 2002

The "Academic-Industrial-Military Complex" Engineering Life & Mind
The "academic-industrial-military complex" is shaping every aspect of our lives, beginning with the kind of science and scientific research that gets done and gets reported. We are not only losing our right to self-determination and self-sufficiency, but most seriously of all, our right to think differently from the corporate establishment. The suppression of scientific dissent threatens the survival of science and endangers lives.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Jonathan Matthews 30th October 2002

Civil Society Organisations Condemn GM Food Aid
More than 140 African civil society representatives and organisations from 26 countries have voiced their support of the Zambian and Zimbabwean governments for rejecting GM contaminated food
ISIS 2nd September 2002

Sense & Nonsense in Horizontal Gene Transfer
What do most scientists do when faced with findings that threaten to topple the ruling paradigm? They describe the findings in detail, fail to interpret them correctly, and avoid discussing their practical implications, dismissing incriminating evidence.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 7th August 2002

GM-free Food Aid!
GM food, rejected across the world because it is unsafe, continues to be dumped as ‘food aid’ (includes 'Famine as Commerce' by Devinda Sharma).
ISIS 7th August 2002

Towards a Convention on Knowledge
The advancement of science - the predominant knowledge system of the West - has been linked historically with progress and civilisation, and general improvement of the lives of the masses, at least up to the beginning of the twentieth century
ISIS-SGR-TWN 27th July 2002

Rough Road from Doha to Johannesburg
WTO's new mandate raises a key question: Who will decide our common future? The new mandate could intensify burning fossil fuels, logging native forests, depleting fisheries, use of toxic chemicals, and release of GMOs. Victor Menotti, Director of the International Forum on Globalisation Environment Program gives us a critical analysis
Victor Menotti 20th March 2002

The Silenced Targets
Amidst the claims of gene and nanotechnology to fix perceived disabilities, impairments and diseases and to eliminate world hunger, Dr. Gregor Wolbring looks critically at issues of decisionmaking and control, raising key questions.
Dr. Gregor Wolbring 28th January 2002

Who Owns Scientific Knowledge?
Professor Peter Saunders calls on all scientists to resist the privatisation of scientific knowledge by refusing to publish in journals belonging to publishers profiteering from closing off free access to scientific archives.
Prof. Peter Saunders 1st October 2001

Independent Scientists An Endangered Species
Independent scientists are a dying breed. All over the world, they are suffering persecution from an ‘academicindustrial complex’ bent on promoting corporate science and technologies that endanger lives and destroy the planet
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 4th September 2001