Science in Society Archive

Banishing Glyphosate Supplement

This is a supplement to the August 2015 Banishing Glyphosate report, available as a PDF downloadhere (11mb), also available for purchase in higher resolution on a USB memory stick here.

Table 1a Approved glyphosate tolerant crops

Appoved Glyphosate Tolerant Crops

Glyphosate Tolerance Gene/s Introduced

Other genes introduced

Alfalfa -Medicago sativa: 3 Events

Name: J101
Code: MON-ØØ1Ø1-8

Roundup Ready™ Alfalfa

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: J101 x J163
Code: MON-ØØ1Ø1-8 x MON-ØØ163-7

Roundup Ready™ Alfalfa

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: J163
Code: MON-ØØ163-7

Roundup Ready™ Alfalfa

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Argentine Canola -Brassica napus: 8 Events

Name: 61061
Code: DP-Ø61Ø61-7

not available


Name: 73496
Code: DP-Ø73496-4

Optimum® Gly canola


Name: GT200 (RT200)
Code: MON-89249-2

Roundup Ready™ Canola

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4); goxv247

Name: GT73 (RT73)
Code: MON-ØØØ73-7

Roundup Ready™ Canola

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: MON88302
Code: MON-883Ø2-9

TruFlex™ Roundup Ready™ Canola

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: MON88302 x MS8 x RF3
Code: MON-883Ø2-9 x ACS-BNØØ5-8 x ACS-BNØØ3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

bar; barmase; barstar

Name: MON88302 x RF3
Code: MON-883Ø2-9 x ACS-BNØØ3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

bar; barstar

Name: MS8 x RF3 x GT73 (RT73)
Code: ACS-BNØØ5-8 x ACS-BNØØ3-6 x MON-ØØØ73-7

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

bar; barmase; barstar

Cotton -Gossypium hirsutum L.: 19 Events

Name: 3006-210-23 x 281-24-236 x MON1445
Code: DAS-21Ø23-5 x DAS-24236-5 x MON-Ø1445-2

WideStrike™ Roundup Ready™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1F; cry1Ac; bar; nptII; aad

Name: 3006-210-23 x 281-24-236 x MON88913
Code: DAS-21Ø23-5 x DAS-24236-5 x MON-88913-8

Widestrike™ Roundup Ready Flex™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1F; cry1Ac; bar

Name: 3006-210-23 x 281-24-236 x MON88913 x COT102
Code: DAS-21Ø23-5 x DAS-24236-5 x MON-88913-8 x SYN-IR1Ø2-7

Widestrike™ x Roundup Ready Flex™ x VIPCOT™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

vip3A(a); cry1F; aph4 (htp)*; pat

Name: COT102 x COT67B x MON88913
Code: SYN-IR1Ø2-7 x SYN-IR67B-1 x MON-88913-8

VIPCOT™ Roundup Ready Flex™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

vip3A(a); Cry1Ab; aph4 (htp)*

Name: COT102 x MON15985 x MON88913
Code: SYN-IR1Ø2-7 x MON-15985-7 x MON-88913-8

Bollgard® III x Roundup Ready™ Flex™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

vip3A(a); aph4 (hpt)*; cry1Ac; cry2Ab2; nptII*; aad*; uidA*

Name: GHB614
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5



Name: GHB614 x LLCotton25
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5 x ACS-GHØØ1-3

GlyTol™ Liberty Link™



Name: GHB614 x LLCotton25 x MON15985
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5 x ACS-GHØØ1-3 x MON-15985-7

not available


cry1Ac; bar; cry2Ab2; nptII*; aad*; uidA*

Name: GHB614 x MON15985
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5 × MON-15985-7

not available


cry2Ab2; cry1Ac

Name: GHB614 x T304-40 x GHB119
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5 x BCS-GHØØ4-7 x BCS-GHØØ5-8

Glytol™ x Twinlink™


cry1Ab; cry2Ae; bar

Name: GHB614 x T304-40 x GHB119 x COT102
Code: BCS-GHØØ2-5 x BCS-GHØØ4-7 x BCS-GHØØ5-8 x SYN-IR1Ø2-7

Glytol™ x Twinlink™ x VIPCOT™ Cotton


cry1Ab; cry2Ae; bar;vip3A(a); aph4 (hpt)

Name: MON1445
Code: MON-Ø1445-2

Roundup Ready™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

nptII; aad*

Name: MON15985 x MON1445
Code: MON-15985-7 x MON-Ø1445-2

Roundup Ready™ Bollgard II™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1Ac; uidA*; nptII; aad*

Name: MON1698
Code: MON-89383-1

Roundup Ready™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

nptII*; aad*

Name: MON531 x MON1445
Code: MON-Ø531-6 x MON-Ø1445-2

Roundup Ready™ Bollgard™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ac; nptII; aad*

Name: MON88701 x MON88913
Code: MON 887Ø1-3 x MON-88913-8

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

dmo; bar

Name: MON88701 x MON88913 x MON15985
Code: MON 887Ø1-3 x MON-88913-8 x MON-15985-7

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

dmo; bar; cry1Ac; nptII*; aad*

Name: MON88913
Code: MON-88913-8

Roundup Ready™ Flex™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: MON88913 x MON15985
Code: MON-88913-8 x MON-15985-7

Roundup Ready™ Flex™ Bollgard II™ Cotton

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1Ac; uidA*; nptII*; aad*

Creeping Bentgrass -Agrostis stolonifera: 1 Event

Name: ASR368
Code: SMG-368ØØ-2

Roundup Ready™ Creeping Bentgrass

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Maize -Zea mays L.: 81 Events

Name: 3272 x Bt11 x GA21
Code: SYN-E3272-5 x SYN-BTØ11-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


amy797E; pmi*; pat; cry1Ab

Name: 3272 x BT11 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-E3272-5 x SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


cry1Ab; pat; mry3A; pmi*; amy797E

Name: 3272 x Bt11 x MIR604 x TC1507 x 5307 x GA21
Code: SYN-E3272-5 x SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x SYN-Ø53Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not applicable


amy797E; pmi*; ecry3.1Ab; mcry3A; cryFa2; cry1Ab; pat;

Name: 3272 x GA21
Code: SYN-E3272-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


amy797E; pmi*

Name: 3272 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-E3272-5 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


amy797E; pmi*; mcry3A

Name: 5307 x MIR604 x Bt11 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: SYN-Ø53Ø7-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure® Duracade™ 5122


ecry3.1Ab; mcry3A; cry1Ab; pat; cry1Fa2; pmi*

Name: 5307 x MIR604 x Bt11 x TC1507 x GA21 x MIR162
Code: SYN-Ø53Ø7-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9 x SYN-IR162-4

Agrisure® Duracade™ 5222


ecry3.1Ab; mcry3A; cry1Ab; pat; cry1Fa2; vip3Aa20; pmi*

Name: 59122 x GA21
Code: DAS-59122-7 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1

Name: 59122 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: DAS-59122-7 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; mcry3A; pmi*

Name: 59122 x MIR604 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: DAS-59122-7 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; mcry3A; cry1Fa2; pmi*

Name: 59122 x MON810 x NK603
Code: DAS-59122-7 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry1Ab

Name: 59122 x MON88017
Code: DAS-59122-7 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry3Bb1; pat

Name: 59122 x NK603
Code: DAS-59122-7 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Herculex™ RW Roundup Ready™ 2

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; pat

Name: 59122 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: DAS-59122-7 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry1Fa2

Name: 98140
Code: DP-Ø9814Ø-6

Optimum™ GAT™



Name: 98140 x 59122
Code: DP-Ø9814Ø-6 x DAS-59122-7

not available


zm-hra; pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1

Name: 98140 x TC1507
Code: DP-Ø9814Ø-6 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1

not available


zm-hra; cry1Fa2; pat

Name: 98140 x TC1507 x 59122
Code: DP-Ø9814Ø-6 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x DAS-59122-7

not available


zm-hra; cry1Fa2; pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1

Name: Bt11 x 59122 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-59122-7 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry1Ab; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1

Name: Bt11 x 59122 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-59122-7 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry1Ab; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; mcry3A; pmi*

Name: BT11 x 59122 x MIR604 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-59122-7 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure® 3122


pat; cry1Ab; cry1Fa2; mcry3A; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; pmi*

Name: Bt11 x 59122 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-59122-7 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


pat; cry1Ab; cry1Fa2; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab

Name: Bt11 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure™ GT/CB/LL


pat; cry1Ab

Name: Bt11 x MIR162 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure® Viptera™ 3110


cry1Ab; vip3Aa20; pat; pmi*

Name: Bt11 x MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure® Viptera™ 3111, Agrisure® Viptera™ 4


mcry3A; cry1Ab; vip3Aa20; pat; pmi*

Name: Bt11 x MIR162 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR162-4 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure™ Viptera 3220


cry1Ab; cry1Fa2; vip3Aa20; pat; pmi*

Name: BT11 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure™ 3000GT


cry1Ab; pat; mcry3A; pmi*

Name: Bt11 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: SYN-BTØ11-1 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


cry1Ab; cry1Fa2; pat

Name: DAS40278 x NK603
Code: DAS-4Ø278-9 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: GA21
Code: MON-ØØØ21-9

Roundup Ready™ Maize, Agrisure™GT


Name: GA21 x MON810
Code: MON-ØØØ21-9 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6

Roundup Ready™ YieldGard™ maize



Name: GA21 x T25
Code: MON-ØØØ21-9 x ACS-ZMØØ3-2

not available


pat (syn); bla*

Name: HCEM485
Code: HCEM485

not available


Name: MIR162 x GA21
Code: SYN-IR162-4 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


vip3Aa20; pmi*

Name: MIR162 x MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-IR162-4 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


mcry3A; vip3Aa20; pmi*

Name: MIR162 x TC1507 x GA21
Code: SYN-IR162-4 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


vip3Aa20; cry1Fa2; pat; pmi*

Name: MIR604 x GA21
Code: SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØØ21-9

Agrisure™ GT/RW


mcry3A; pmi*

Name: MIR604 x NK603
Code: SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

mcry3A; pmi*

Name: MON801 (MON80100)
Code: MON801

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; nptII*

Name: MON802
Code: MON-8Ø2ØØ-7

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; nptII*

Name: MON809
Code: PH-MON-8Ø9-2

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; nptII*

Name: MON810
Code: MON-ØØ81Ø-6

YieldGard™, MaizeGard™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; nptII*

Name: MON810 x MON88017
Code: MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x MON-88Ø17-3

YieldGard™ VT Triple

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; cry3Bb1

Name: MON832
Code: not available

Roundup Ready™ Maize

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: MON863 x MON810 x NK603
Code: MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x MON-ØØ863-5

YieldGard™ Plus with RR

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; cry3Bb1; nptII*

Name: MON863 x NK603
Code: MON-ØØ863-5 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

YieldGard™ RW + RR

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry3Bb1; nptII*

Name: MON87411
Code: MON-87411-9

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry3Bb1; dvsnf7

Name: MON87427
Code: MON-87427-7

Roundup Ready™ Maize

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: MON87427 x MON89034 x MON88017
Code: MON-87427-7 x MON-89Ø34-3 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1A.105; cry3Bb1

Name: MON87427 x MON89034 x NK603
Code: MON-87427-7 x MON-89Ø34-3 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1A.105

Name: MON87427 x MON89Ø34 x TC15Ø7 x MON88Ø17 x 59122
Code: MON-87427-7 x MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-88Ø17-3 x DAS-59122-7

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry1Fa2; pat; cry2Ab2

Name: MON87460 x MON89034 x MON88017
Code: MON-8746Ø-4 x MON-89Ø34-3 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cspB; cry1A.105; cry2Ab2; cry3Bb1; nptII*

Name: MON87460 x MON89034 x NK603
Code: MON-8746Ø-4 x MON-89Ø34-3 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1A.105; ; cspB; nptII*

Name: MON87460 x NK603
Code: MON-8746Ø-4 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cspB; nptII*

Name: MON88017
Code: MON-88Ø17-3

YieldGard™ VT™ Rootworm™ RR2

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: MON89034 x 59122 x MON88017
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-59122-7 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1A.105; cry34Ab1; ; cry35Ab1; cry3Bb1; pat

Name: MON89034 x MON88017
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x MON-88Ø17-3

Genuity® VT Triple Pro™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1A.105; cry2Ab2; cry3Bb1

Name: MON89034 x NK603
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Genuity® VT Double Pro™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1A.105; cry2Ab2

Name: MON89034 x TC1507 x MON88017
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2: cry1A.105; cry1Fa2; cry3Bb1; pat

Name: MON89034 x TC1507 x MON88017 x 59122
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-88Ø17-3 x DAS-59122-7

Genuity® SmartStax™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; cry2Ab2; cry35Ab1; cry34Ab1; cry3Bb1; cry1A.105; pat

Name: MON89034 x TC1507 x MON88017 x 59122 x DAS40278
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-88Ø17-3 x DAS-59122-7 x DAS-4Ø278-9

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; cry2Ab2; cry35Ab1; cry34Ab1; cry3Bb1; cry1A.105; pat; aad-1

Name: MON89034 x TC1507 x MON88017 x DAS40278
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-88Ø17-3 x DAS-59122-7 x DAS-4Ø278-9

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry2Ab2; cry1A.105; cry1Fa2; cry3Bb1; pat; aad-1

Name: MON89034 x TC1507 x NK603
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Power Core™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; cry2Ab2; cry1A.105

Name: MON89034 x TC1507 x NK603 x DAS40278
Code: MON-89Ø34-3 x DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 x DAS-4Ø278-9

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; cry2Ab2; cry1A.105; aad-1

Name: NK603
Code: MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Roundup Ready™ 2 Maize

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: NK603 x MON810 x 4114 x MIR 604
Code: MON-00603-6 x MON-00810-6 x DP004114-3 x SYN-IR604-4

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Ab; cry1F; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; pat; nptII*pmi*

Name: NK603 x MON810
Code: MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6

YieldGard™ CB + RR

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: NK603 x T25
Code: MON-ØØ6Ø3-6 x ACS-ZMØØ3-2

Roundup Ready™ Liberty Link™ Maize

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

pat (syn); bla*

Name: TC1507 × 59122 × MON810 × MIR604 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 × DAS-59122-7 × MON-ØØ81Ø-6 × SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Optimum™ Intrasect Xtreme

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry1Ab; mcry3A; pmi*

Name: TC1507 × MON810 × MIR604 × NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 × MON-ØØ81Ø-6 × SYN-IR6Ø4-5 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

mcry3A; cry1Fa2; cry1Ab; pmi*; pat; nptII*

Name: TC1507 x 59122 x MON810 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x DAS-59122-7 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Optimum™ Intrasect XTRA

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry1Ab

Name: TC1507 x 59122 x MON88017
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x DAS-59122-7 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1; cry3Bb1; pat

Name: TC1507 x 59122 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x DAS-59122-7 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Herculex XTRA™ RR

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; cry34Ab1; cry35Ab1

Name: TC1507 x GA21
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØØ21-9

not available


cry1Fa2; pat

Name: TC1507 x MIR604 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x SYN-IR6Ø4-5 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Optimum™ TRIsect

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; mcry3A; pmi*

Name: TC1507 x MON810 x MIR162
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x SYN-IR162-4

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat; cry1Ab; nptII*; vip3Aa20; pmi*

Name: TC1507 x MON810 x MIR162 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x SYN-IR162-4 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; cry1Ab; pat; vip3Aa20; pmi*

Name: TC1507 x MON810 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØ81Ø-6 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Optimum™ Intrasect

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; cry1Ab; pat

Name: TC1507 x MON88017
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-88Ø17-3

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; cry3Bb1; pat

Name: TC1507 x NK603
Code: DAS-Ø15Ø7-1 x MON-ØØ6Ø3-6

Herculex™ I RR

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry1Fa2; pat

Name: VCO-Ø1981-5
Code: VCO-Ø1981-5

not available

epsps grg23ace5

Polish canola -Brassica rapa: 3 Events

Name: ZSR500
Code: not available

Hysyn 101 RR Roundup-Ready™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: ZSR502
Code: not available

Hysyn 101 RR Roundup-Ready™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: ZSR503
Code: not available

Hysyn 101 RR Roundup-Ready™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Potato -Solanum tuberosum L.: 4 Events

Name: RBMT22-082
Code: NMK-89896-6

New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry3A; plrv_orf1; plrv_orf2

Name: RBMT22-186
Code: not available

New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry3A; plrv_orf1; plrv_orf2

Name: RBMT22-238
Code: not available

New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry3A; plrv_orf1; plrv_orf2

Name: RBMT22-262
Code: not available

New Leaf™ Plus Russet Burbank potato

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

cry3A; plrv_orf1; plrv_orf2

Soybean -Glycine max L.: 15 Events

Name: DAS44406-6
Code: DAS-444Ø6-6

not available


aad-12; pat

Name: DAS68416-4 x MON89788
Code: DAS-68416-4 x MON-89788-1

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

aad-12; pat

Name: DP305423 x GTS 40-3-2
Code: DP-3Ø5423-1 x MON-Ø4Ø32-6

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

gm-hra*; gm-fad2-1 (partial sequence)

Name: DP356043
Code: DP-356Ø43-5

Optimum GAT™



Name: FG72 (FGØ72-2, FGØ72-3)
Code: MST-FGØ72-3

not available


hppdPF W336

Name: GTS 40-3-2 (40-3-2)
Code: MON-Ø4Ø32-6

Roundup Ready™ soybean

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Name: MON87701 x MON89788
Code: MON-877Ø1-2 x MON-89788-1

Intacta™ Roundup Ready™ 2 Pro

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: MON87705
Code: MON-877Ø5-6

Vistive Gold™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

fatb1-A (sense and antisense segments); fad2-1A (sense and antisense)

Name: MON87705 x MON89788
Code: MON-877Ø5-6 x MON-89788-1

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

fatb1-A (sense and antisense segments); fad2-1A (sense and antisense)

Name: MON87708
Code: MON-877Ø8-9

Genuity® Roundup Ready™ 2 Xtend™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: MON87708 x MON89788
Code: MON-877Ø8-9 x MON-89788-1

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: MON87712
Code: MON-87712-4

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: MON87769
Code: MON87769-7

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Pj.D6D; Nc.Fad3

Name: MON87769 x MON89788
Code: MON-87769-7 x MON-89788-1

not available

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4) Pj.D6D Nc.Fad3


Name: MON89788
Code: MON-89788-1

Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield™

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Sugar Beet -Beta vulgaris: 2 Events

Name: GTSB77 (T9100152)
Code: SY-GTSB77-8

InVigor™ sugarbeet

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)


Name: H7-1
Code: KM-ØØØH71-4

Roundup Ready™ sugar beet

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Wheat -Triticum aestivum: 1 Event

Name: MON71800
Code: MON-718ØØ-3

Roundup Ready™ wheat

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Table 1b List of all the genes introduced into approved glyphosate-tolerant crops



Gene Source


Described Function


Zea mays

5-enolpyruvyl shikimate-3-phosphate synthase enzyme (double mutant version)

decreases binding affinity for glyphosate, thereby increasing tolerance to glyphosate herbicide


Escherichia coli

3''(9)-O-aminoglycoside adenylyltransferase enzyme

allows selection for resistance to aminoglycoside antibiotics such as spectinomycin and streptomycin


synthetic form of the aad-1 gene fromSphingobium herbicidovorans

aryloxyalkanoate dioxygenase 1 (AAD-1) protein

detoxifies 2,4-D herbicide by side-chain degradation and degrades the R-enantiomers of aryloxyphenoxypropionate herbicides


Delftia acidovorans

aryloxyalkanoate di-oxygenase 12 (AAD-12) protein

catalyzes the side chain degradation of 2,4-D herbicide


synthetic gene derived from Thermococcales spp.

thermostable alpha-amylase enzyme

enhances bioethanol production by increasing the thermostability of amylase used in degrading starch

aph4 (hpt)*

Escherichia coli

hygromycin-B phosphotransferase (hph) enzyme

allows selection for resistance to the antibiotic hygromycin B


Streptomyces hygroscopicus

phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (PAT) enzyme

eliminates herbicidal activity of glufosinate (phosphinothricin) herbicides by acetylation


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

barnase ribonuclease (RNAse) enzyme

causes male sterility by interfering with RNA production in the tapetum cells of the anther


Bacillus amyloliquefaciens

barnase ribonuclease inhibitor

restores fertility by repressing the inhibitory effect of barnase on tapetum cells of the anther


Arabidopsis thaliana

protein that interacts with one or more endogenous transcription factors to regulate the plant’s day/night physiological processes

to modulate plant's diurnal biology and to enhance growth and reproductive development


Escherichia coli

beta lactamase enzyme

detoxifies beta lactam antibiotics such as ampicillin

cp4 epsps (aroA:CP4)

Agrobacterium tumefaciens strain CP4

herbicide tolerant form of 5-enolpyruvulshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) enzyme

decreases binding affinity for glyphosate, thereby conferring increased tolerance to glyphosate herbicide


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis

Cry1A.105 protein which comprises the Cry1Ab, Cry1F and Cry1Ac proteins

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki

Cry1Ab delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurstaki strain HD73

Cry1Ac delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai

Cry1F delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


synthetic form of cry1F gene derived from Bacillus thuringiensis var. aizawai

modified Cry1F protein

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis

Cry2Ab delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis

Cry2Ab delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensissubsp Dakota

Cry2Ae delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis strain PS149B1

Cry34Ab1 delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to coleopteran insects particularly corn rootworm by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis strain PS149B1

Cry35Ab1 delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to coleopteran insects particularly corn rootworm by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis

cry3A delta endotoxin

confers resistance to coleopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kumamotoensis

Cry3Bb1 delta endotoxin

confers resistance to coleopteran insects particularly corn rootworm by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus subtilis

cold shock protein B

maintains normal cellular functions under water stress conditions by preserving RNA stability and translation


Stenotrophomonas maltophiliastrain DI-6

dicamba mono-oxygenase enzyme

confers tolerance to the herbicide dicamba (2-methoxy-3,6-dichlorobenzoic acid) by using dicamba as substrate in an enzymatic reaction


Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera)

double-stranded RNA transcript containing a 240 bp fragment of the WCR Snf7 gene

RNAi interference resulting to down-regulation of the function of the targeted Snf7 gene leading to Western Corn Rootworm mortality.


synthetic form of Cry3A gene and Cry1Ab gene from Bacillus thuringiensis

chimeric (Cry3A-Cry1Ab) delta endotoxin protein

confers resistance to coleopteran and lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut

epsps grg23ace5

synthetic gene; similar to epsps grg23 gene from soil bacterium Arthrobacter globiformis

modified 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) protein or EPSPS ACE5 protein

confers tolerance to glyphosate herbicides

fad2-1A (sense and antisense)

Glycine max

no functional enzyme is produced (production of delta-12 desaturase enzyme is suppressed by RNA interference)

reduces desaturation of 18:1 oleic acid to 18:2 linoleic acid; increases the levels of monounsaturated oleic acid and decreases the levels of saturated linoleic acid in the seed

fatb1-A (sense and antisense segments)

Glycine max

no functional enzyme is produced (production of FATB enzymes or acyl-acyl carrier protein thioesterases is suppressed by RNA interference)

decreases the transport of saturated fatty acids out of the plastid, thereby increasing their availability to desaturation to 18:1 oleic acid; reduces the levels of saturated fatty acids and increases the levels of 18:1 oleic acid


Bacillus licheniformis

glyphosate N-acetyltransferase enzyme

catalyzes the inactivation of glyphosate,conferring tolerance to glyphosate herbicides

gm-fad2-1 (partial sequence)

Glycine max

no functional enzyme is produced (expression of the endogenous fad2-1 gene encoding omega-6 desaturase enzyme was suppressed by the partial gm-fad2-1 gene fragment)

blocks the formation of linoleic acid from oleic acid (by silencing the fad2-1 gene) and allows accumulation of oleic acid in the seed


Glycine max

modified acetolactate synthase(ALS) enzyme

confers tolerance to applications of sulfonylurea – based herbicides


Ochrobactrum anthropistrain LBAA

glyphosate oxidase

confers tolerance to glyphosate herbicides by degrading glyphosate into aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA) and glyoxylate

hppdPF W336

Pseudomonas fluorescens strain A32

modified p-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (hppd) enzyme

confers tolerance to HPPD-inhibiting herbicides (such as isoxaflutole) by reducing the specificity for the herbicide's bioactive constituent


synthetic form of cry3A gene from Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. tenebrionis

modified Cry3A delta-endotoxin

confers resistance to coleopteran insects particularly corn rootworm pests by selectively damaging their midgu


Zea mays

modified 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) enzyme

confers tolerance to glyphosate herbicides


Neurospora crassa

delta 15 desaturase protein

desaturates certain endogenous fatty acids resulting in the production of stearidonic acid (SDA), an omega-3 fatty acid


Escherichia coliTn5 transposon

neomycin phosphotransferase II enzyme

allows transformed plants to metabolize neomycin and kanamycin antibiotics during selection


Streptomyces viridochromogenes

phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (PAT) enzyme

eliminates herbicidal activity of glufosinate (phosphinothricin) herbicides by acetylation

pat (syn)

synthetic form of pat gene derived from Streptomyces viridochromogenes strain Tu 494

phosphinothricin N-acetyltransferase (PAT) enzyme

eliminates herbicidal activity of glufosinate (phosphinothricin) herbicides by acetylation


Primula juliae

delta 6 desaturase protein

desaturates certain endogenous fatty acids resulting in the production of stearidonic acid (SDA), an omega-3 fatty acid


Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV)

putative replicase domain of the potato leaf roll virus (PLRV)

confers resistance to potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) through gene silencing mechanism


Potato Leaf Roll Virus (PLRV)

putative helicase domain of the potato leaf roll virus (PLRV)

confers resistance to potato leaf roll virus (PLRV) through gene silencing mechanism


Escherichia coli

Phosphomannose Isomerase (PMI) enzyme

metabolizes mannose and allows positive selection for recovery of transformed plants


Escherichia coli

beta-D-glucuronidase(GUS) enzyme

produces blue stain on treated transformed tissue, which allows visual selection


Bacillus thuringiensis strain AB88

VIP3A vegetative insecticidal protein

confers resistance to feeding damage caused by lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut lining


Bacillus thuringiensis strain AB88

vegetative insecticidal protein (vip3Aa variant)

confers resistance to feeding damage caused by lepidopteran insects by selectively damaging their midgut


Zea mays

herbicide tolerant acetolactase synthase (als) enzyme

confers tolerance to acetolactate synthase-inhibiting herbicides such as sulfonylurea and imidazolinone

* = selection marker

Article first published 20/08/15

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