Science in Society Archive

New Age of Water

Collagen Water Structure Revealed

Water associated with collagen shows a surprising degree of order. Could they be the super-conducting channels that enable every single cell within the body to intercommunicate for perfect coordination? Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

The importance of collagen

Collagen is the main protein in connective tissues of animals and the most abundant protein in mammals. Connective tissues contain a lot of water; soft connective tissues (all apart from bones and cartilage) are typically 60 to 70 percent of water by weight. The proteins together with the water form a liquid crystalline matrix in which every single cell in the body is embedded, which makes connective tissues the ideal medium for intercommunication, as I have suggested in my book The Rainbow And The Worm [1] .

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Two-States Water Explains All?

The age-old mystery of water is unfolding as a recent model of a large hydrogen-bonded water superstructure matches practically all observations. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Weird and wonderful

Water is the most abundant substance on earth, and life as we know it is impossible without water. There are very few molecules simpler than water, yet its behaviour is most complex and unusual. As chemist-natural theologian Lawrence J Henderson pointed out at length in his book The Fitness of the Environment published in 1913 [1], the strangeness of water consists of precisely the properties that make water ‘fit’ for life on earth .

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Water and Colloid Crystals

The age-old alchemist’s dream of turning base materials into gold is coming true in the fabrication of new colloid crystal chips, but the fascinating history of colloid crystals is still unfolding. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Colloid crystals diversity defies description

Colloids are particles of nanometres (10 -9 m) up to several micrometer dimensions (also commonly referred to as nanoparticles) that exist as suspensions in water or other solvents; and colloid crystals are literally crystals made of colloid particles arranged in an orderly way, like atoms in ordinary crystals. Also like ordinary crystals, and macromolecules in living organisms, colloid crystals self-assemble, that is, they form spontaneously when precipitated or evaporated from suspension onto a substrate such as a carbon or silicon-oxide film. The same colloids can self-assemble into a variety of crystals according to the conditions of crystallisation, for example, temperature, pH, ionic and other additives. These three-dimensional colloid crystals are finding applications as electronic and photonic devices [1].

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Water’s Effortless Action at a Distance

Water plays the lead role in living processes through changing between two states, a brand new understanding of bioenergetics and enzyme action. Dr. Mae-Wan Ho

Bioenergetics and the great biochemical myth

Bioenergetics is the big problem of how living organisms capture and transform energy for growth, development, and all that life entails, and it fills many pages in standard biochemistry textbooks.

In a nutshell, green plants capture energy from the sun in photosynthesis to make simple carbohydrates (the building blocks for everything else) from carbon dioxide and water. In respiration, carbohydrates are broken down ultimately back into carbon dioxide and water, and along the way, energy is abstracted to make ATP. ATP is also made in photosynthesis, but the most important job of photosynthesis is capturing carbon.

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Article first published 19/10/06

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