Science in Society Archive

Science in Society - French Translations

Index of articles from the Science in Society Archive on Science in Society: water, sustainable agriculture, science and government, science and ethics, science and art. See also French translations of articles on Science of the Organism and Genetic Engineering. Traduction de Jacques Hallard

Des chercheurs scientifiques révèlent que le glyphosate empoisonne les plantes cultivées et les sols (Scientists Reveal Glyphosate Poisons Crops and Soil)
Scientists go public on devastating ecological impacts of Roundup Ready cropping systems while USDA keeps mum
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 19th May 2010

Une croissance verte pour les pays en développement (Green Growth for Developing Nations)
Developing nations can leapfrog to low carbon economies by improving energy efficiency, adopting organic agriculture, and installing affordable off-grid renewable power for the people, says United Nations agency
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 6th April 2010

L'importance réelle de la forêt amazonienne (The Real Importance of the Amazon Rain Forest)
Rain forests power atmospheric circulation that bring rain to continental land masses from the oceans; new theory explains why losing forests will cause catastrophic desertification Peter Bunyard
Peter Bunyard 15th March 2010

Des plantes adventices ou mauvaises herbes devenues résistantes au glyphosate (Glyphosate Resistance in Weeds - The Transgenic Treadmill)
Glyphosate resistant weeds may spell the end of patented herbicide tolerant crops, but can farmers exit the transgenic treadmill that’s very profitable for Monsanto?
Prof. Joe Cummins 3rd March 2010

A cause du réchauffement, les océans sont en manque d'oxygène (Warming Oceans Starved of Oxygen)
Global warming is depleting oxygen from the ocean waters and threatening the survival of fisheries and the entire marine ecosystem.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 10th August 2009

Le Glyphosate pourrait causer des malformations à la naissance (Glyphosate Herbicide Could Cause Birth Defects)
Argentina Considers Ban
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 14th July 2009

De nouvelles preuves relient le Promoteur CaMV 35S [OGM] à la Transcription du VIH [SIDA] (New Evidence Links CaMV 35S Promoter to HIV Transcription)
The controversial promoter in all GM crops does enhance multiplication of disease-causing viruses; yet another reason why [1] GM is Dangerous and Futile (SiS 40)
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Prof. Joe Cummins 15th June 2009

Super-cocktails toxiques (Super-Toxic Cocktails)
Concentrations of pesticides insufficient to cause harm individually become highly toxic in combinations that occur in our environment. Current testing regimes are failing to cope with such lethal cocktails
Prof. Peter Saunders 27th April 2009

'Roundup' et glyphosate : mortifères par empoisonnements multiples (Death by Multiple Poisoning, Glyphosate and Roundup)
Scientists pinpoint how very low concentrations of the herbicide and other chemicals in Roundup formulations kill human cells, strengthening the case for phasing them out, and banning all further releases of Roundup-tolerant GM crops
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho and Brett Cherry 11th February 2009

Une façon dangereuse de vouloir atténuer les changements climatiques (Saving the Climate Dangerously)
Geoengineering experiments can lead to big disasters if things go wrong, which is why it must be strictly regulated. The German Governments decision to proceed with its ocean fertilisation experiment violates the recommendations of the Convention on Biological Diversity, but there is no law against it.
Prof. Peter Saunders 2nd February 2009

La hausse des prix mondiaux montre la nécessité de renforcer les politiques de sécurité alimentaire (Rising Prices Reinforce Need for Food Security Policies)
The new key to food security is self-sufficiency, not trade, and policies are needed to expand local food production and invigorate the agricultural sector particularly in developing countries
Martin Khor 15th July 2008

Abeilles Agriculture biologique (To Bee Organic or not to Bee)
Prof. Joe Cummins explains why bees are especially susceptible to pesticides
Prof. Joe Cummins 11th June 2008

Sauvons les abeilles d'urgence en interdisant les pesticides néonicotinoïdes (Emergency Pesticide Ban for Saving the Honeybee)
Prof. Joe Cummins’ warning against neonicotinoid pesticides in the killing of honeybees was dramatically confirmed, resulting in swift action on the part of the German Government
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 9th June 2008

“Une agriculture biologique et sans OGM pour nourrir le monde” (“GM-Free Organic Agriculture to Feed the World”)
International Panel of 400 Agricultural Scientists Call for Fundamental Change in Farming Practice
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 18th April 2008

Les téléphones portables et les oiseaux en voie de disparition (Mobile Phones & Vanishing Birds)
Birds near mobile phone base stations do not breed well
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 29th May 2007

Confirmation des risques de cancers causés par les micro-ondes (Cancer Risks from Microwaves Confirmed)
Microwaves from wireless mobile phone transmitters may be more potent than lower frequency electromagnetic fields in promoting cancer
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 24th May 2007

Les fraises biologiques bloquent la prolifération des cellules cancéreuses (Organic Strawberries Stop Cancer Cells)
Latest evidence on why organic foods are good for health
Prof. Joe Cummins and Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 7th September 2006

L'agriculture biologique produit des plantes de bonne qualité nutritive qui assurent une bonne santé aux populations qui les consomment (Organic Farms Make Healthy Plants Make Healthy People)
Organic foods are richer in minerals and vitamins and relatively free from harmful chemicals and additives
Dr. Eva Novotny 4th September 2006

Mise à jour concernant la version 2 de la Ferme Visionnaire ou 'Dream Farm 2' (Dream Farm 2 - Story So Far)
A potted history of Dream Farm 2, its conceptual underpinnings and update with a potential site in mind
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 24th July 2006

Les océans sont en péril (Oceans in Distress)
Pollution, destructive overfishing and increasing commercial exploitation are threatening the planet’s cradle of life, warns the UN.
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 20th July 2006

L'éthanol de la biomasse (cellulose) n'est pas soutenable ni anodin pour l'environnement (Ethanol from Cellulose Biomass Not Sustainable nor Environmentally Benign)
Major technical and economic hurdles remain in getting ethanol from plant wastes, while burning ethanol produces carcinogens and increases ozone levels in the atmosphere.
Dr.Mae-Wan Ho 15th March 2006

Rendre le monde soutenable et durable (Making the World Sustainable)
Decades of an "environmental bubble economy" built on the over-exploitation of natural resources has accelerated global warming, environmental degradation, depletion of water and oil, and brought falling crop yields, precipitating a crisis in world food security with no prospects for improvement under the business as usual scenario
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 29th June 2005

Energie – Le biogaz est une aubaine pour le développement du tiers monde (Biogas Bonanza for Third World Development )
Biogas, a by-product of farmyard waste-treatment, has emerged as a major boon for Third World countries, bringing health, social, environmental, and financial benefits
Dr. Mae-Wan Ho 20th June 2005